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  • Normal OpenSSH development produces a very small, secure, and easy to maintain version for the OpenBSD project. The OpenSSH Portability Team takes that pure version and adds portability code so that OpenSSH can run on many other operating systems (Unfortunately, in particular since OpenSSH does authentication, it runs into a.lot. of differences between Unix operating systems).
  • I had some trouble getting SourceTree working with an existing git repo that resided on gitlab. I also had to figure out why it wasn't connecting as I was using puttygen to generate the keys. Make sure after you generate your keys to export it to the OpenSSH format. You place this file in your c:userMYUSERNAME.ssh folder as the file: idrsa.
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As you can see from the title, I am not able to clone a repository via SSH with command:
git clone git@

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I have created an SSH key on the client machine and added the public key in the SSH Keys settings but for some reason it keeps telling me that I don’t have permissions.

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I leave you the result of this command:
GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -vvvT' git clone git@

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I hope you can help me, thank you very much in advance!