Minecraft Factions Commands |
/f create [faction tag] | Creates a new faction, you will be that faction admin. |
/f join [faction name] | Joins a faction with the given name. |
/f map *[on|off] | Displays an ascii map inside your chat window. If you specify on it will automatically update periodically. |
/f power | Shows your own power. |
/f leave | Leaves the current faction to which you belong. |
/f show,who *[faction tag] | Displays a factions detailed information. |
/f chat,c | Toggles factions only chat. |
/f home | Teleports you back to your factions home. |
/f list,ls *[page] | Shows a list of factions |
/f claim | Claims the current chunk of land where you are standing. 1 chunk of land requires 1 power (/f power). |
/f claim [faction=your] [radius=1] | Claims a radius of land around you. |
/f autoclaim | Claims land while your player walks around. |
/f unclaim | Unclaims the chunk you are standing on for your faction. Only a faction admin or moderator can do this. |
/f owner *[player name] | Sets or removes ownership of land connected to a player within your faction. |
/f ownerlist | Displays the owners of land where you are standing. |
/f kick [Player Name] | Kicks a player from your faction. |
/f mod [Player Name] | Gives a player mod abilities in your faction. |
/f admin [Player name] | Hands over your admin rights to another player. |
/f title [Player name] *[Title] | Sets a chat prefix title for the player in your faction. |
/f ally [Faction Name] | Sets another faction as your ally. |
/f enemy [Faction Name] | Sets another factions as your enemy. |
/f neutral [Faciton Name] | Sets another faction as a neutral. |
/f money [Faction Name] | Shows your factions bank balance. |
/f money [Amount] [Faction Name] | Deposists some of your money into your factions bank. |
/f withdraw [Amount] [Faction Name] | Withdraws money from your factions bank. |
/f money ff [Amount] [Faction1] [Faction2] | Transfers money from faction1 to faction2. |
/f money fp [Amount] [Faction] [Player] | Transfers money from faction to player. |
/f money pf [Amount] [Player] [Faction] | Transfers money from player to faction. |
/f tag [Faction-Tag] | Changes your factions tag. |
/f open | Switches whether or not your faction is open to public. |
/f desc [description] | Changes your factions description. |
/f invite [Player] | Invites a player to your faction |
/f deinvite [Player] | Removes invitation to player. |
/f sethome | Sets your factions home location. |
More Commands
[CHESTSHOP BUY] | Allows you to buy from a chest shop by right clicking the sign. |
[CHESTSHOP CREATE] | Allows you to create you very own chest shop. |
[CHESTSHOP SELL] | Allows you to sell to a chest shop by left clicking the sign. |
/back | Teleports you back to where you last died. |
/balance | Displays your money in chat. |
/compass | Displays the direction your facing (N E S W) and degree. |
/depth | Displays how many block above sea level you are. |
/getpost | Displays the exact xyz position you are standing |
/help,/help 2,/help 3 | Displays a list of available commands and descriptions. |
/helpop [message] | Sends the message to the server OP for help. |
/home,/sethome [homename] | Teleports you to your home! set home with /sethome home |
/home [playername] [homename] | Teleports you to someone elses home. |
/ignore [playername] | Ignores a player from sending you messages. |
/info Binds | the info command to your selected tool. Displays info of block. |
/kit residence | Receive wooden axe to mark pos1 and pos2 before using the /res create command. |
/kit tools | Receive basic tools. |
/list | Lists the players online. |
/motd | Displays the servers set message of the day. |
/msg [toplayer] [message] | Sends a message to a specific player. |
/pay [playername] [amount] | Pays a player the given amount. |
/ping | Detects the lag between you and the server. Server is hosted in USA. |
/r | Replies back to a player that sent you a message. |
/rules | Displays server rules. |
/seen | Displays last logout time of a player. |
/sethome [homename],/home | Sets the teleport location when you type /home. |
/spawn | Teleports you to the server main city. |
/suicide | Kills your player (You don't loose items/xp) great if your stuck. |
/tpa [playername] | Requests another player if you can teleport to them. |
/tpaccept | Accepts a teleport request. |
/tpdeny | Denies a teleport request. |
/warp [warpname] | Teleports you to a warp destination. |
[PREFIX] | Your chat text is gray. |
Plus Commands
ci | Clears out your entire Inventory. |
kit minimason | Gives you 4 of each Mason Blocks |
kit mininature | Gives you 4 of each Nature Blocks. |
kit miniobs | Gives you 2 Obsidian Blocks. |
kit miniore | Gives you 2 of each Ore Blocks. |
kit miniwood | Gives your 4 of each Wood Blocks |
kit miniwool | Gives your 4 of each Wool Blocks. |
top | Teleports you to the block that highest above your head. |
warp | Displays a list of all the warps available. |
fly | Toggles fly mode. Hold Shift and look up! Release shift to remain hovering. Type /fly again to disable. |
Increased protected residence limits! [25x25x9] Max 4 Residences! |
[RESERVE] | Allows you to join the server when the server is full. |
Enhanced Commands
| Enhanced receives Plus Commands also. |
!Message | Broadcasts to the entire server your chat/message. |
/heal [playername],/heal | Heals you or selected target back to full health. |
/jump | Moves you to the location you are pointed at. |
/kit diamond | Gives you all Diamond Weapons/Gear |
/kit smallmason | Gives you 8 of each Mason Blocks. |
/kit smallnature | Gives you 8 of each Nature Blocks. |
/kit smallobs | Gives you 4 Obsidian Blocks |
/kit smallore | Gives your 4 of each Ore Blocks. |
/kit smallwood | Gives you 8 of each Wood Blocks. |
/kit smallwool | Gives you 8 of each Wool Blocks. |
/kit torch | Gives you 32 Torches |
/time | Displays server time |
/time day,/time night | Changes the time of day to night or day. |
[+5 Faction Power] | Ability to have more faction power for claiming more land. |
/god,/ungod | Toggles god mode. You are now invincible! |
/hat | Put the item selected in your inventory on your head. |
/unhat | Removes the block from your head. |
/kit mediummason | Gives you 20 of each Mason Blocks. |
/kit mediumnature | Gives you 20 of each Naure Blocks. |
/kit mediumobs | Gives you 10 Obsidian Blocks. |
/kit mediumore | Gives you 10 of each Ore Blocks. |
/kit mediumwood | Gives your 20 of each Wood Blocks. |
/kit mediumwool | Gives you 20 of each Wool Blocks. |
/lightning | Strikes down lightning at your location. |
/setwarp [warpname] | Allows you to set warp points for other players to use. use /warp [warpname] to teleport to your new setwarp. |
/thunder [duration] | Starts thunder for the given duration. |
/tp [playername],/tp [playername] [Your Name] | Teleports you to a player, or teleports a player to you. |
/love [duration] | Displays floating hearts around your player. |
[SERVERSIGNS] | [Signs particularly in the XP Temple can be right clicked to gain XP/MONEY. |
[+10 Faction Power] | Have more faction power to claim land. |
GM Commands
| GM receives SubGM, Enhanced, Plus Commands also. |
/chest | Opens up your mobile chest. |
/save | Saves contents in mobile chest. |
/workbench | Opens mobile workbench. |
/bjump # | Increases your jump height to #. Type /bjump to reset to normal. |
/speed # | Increases your movement speed to #. Type /speed to reset to normal. |
/kit largemason | Gives you 32 of each Mason Blocks. |
/kit largenature | Gives you 32 of each Nature Blocks. |
/kit largeobs | Gives you 16 Obsdian Blocks. |
/kit largeore | Gives you 16 of each Ore Blocks. |
/kit largewood | Gives you 32 of each Wood Blocks. |
/kit largewool | Gives your 32 of each Wool Blocks. |
/fix all | Repairs all the gear in your inventory |
/sethome [homename] | Allows you to set an unlimited amount of homes, use /home [homename] to teleport to your new sethome. |
[Ride/Control Pigs] | Use a saddle to jump on a pig and ride him with a carrot on a stick. |
[+15 Faction Power] | Increased Faction power for claiming land. |
SubAdmin Commands
| SubAdmin receives GM, SubGM, Enhanced, Plus Commands also. |
[CHAT COLOR] | Allows you to add color to your messages sent using color codes http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Classic_server_protocol#Color_Codes |
/kick [playername] | Kicks player from server. |
/kit giantmason | Gives you 64 of each Mason Blocks. |
/kit giantnature | Gives you 64 of each Nature Blocks. |
/kit giantobs | Gives you 32 Obsidian Blocks. |
/kit giantore | Gives you 32 of each Ore Blocks. |
/kit giantwood | Gives you 64 of each Wood Blocks. |
/kit giantwool | Gives you 64 of each Wool Blocks. |
/spawnmob cavespider [amount] | Spawns given amount of Cavespiders! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob chicken [amount] | Spawns given amount of Chickens! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob cow [amount] | Spawns given amount of Cows! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob creeper [amount] | Spawns given amount of creeper! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob enderman [amount] | Spawns given amount of Enderman! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob ghast [amount] | Spawns given amount of Ghasts! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob mushroomcow [amount] | Spawns given amount of Mooshroomcows! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob ocelot [amount] | Spawns given amount of Ocelots! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob pig [amount] | Spawns given amount of Pigs! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob pigzombie [amount] | Spawns given amount of Pig Zombies! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob sheep [amount] | Spawns given amount of Sheep! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob skeleton [amount] | Spawns given amount of Skeletons! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob spider [amount] | Spawns given amount of Spiders! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob villager [amount] | Spawns given amount of Villagers! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob wolf [amount] | Spawns given amount ofWolves! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob zombie [amount] | Spawns given amount of Zombies! At location your pointing to. |
/tptoggle | Enable/Disable the ability for users to teleport to you. |
[UNLIMITED] | Allows the unlimited placing of items. |
/GodItems | Sends you a Randomized God Items once every 3 1/2 hr. Chance to roll for Pristine/Perfect God Items! |
/color [red/blue/ect.] | Toggles the color of your chat text. |
[+20 Faction Power] | Increased faction power for claiming land. |
[SPAWNEGGS] | Gives you the ability to use spawn eggs. |
Admin Commands
| Admin receives SubAdmin, GM, SubGM, Enhanced, Plus Commands also. |
/blaze | Displays flames around your character |
/ender | Creates an Ender effect below you! |
/smoke | Creates a smoke effect around you! |
/spawnmob enderdragon | Spawns an Enderdragon! At location your pointing to. |
/spawnmob giant | Spawns a Giant! At location your pointing to. |
/weather sun,/weather sky,/weather storm | Manipulates the weather on the server. |
/slap [playername] | Slap the player knocking him up! |
[ADMIN PREFIX] | [Admin] Beside your name. |
/spr colors | Displays all the color codes for when your doing your own Prefix/Suffix |
/spr p m [prefix],/spr s m [suffix] | Allows you to creature a custom Prefix/Suffic beside your name.ex.[SuperAdmin] |
[+30 Faction Power] | Increased Faction power for claiming land. |