
  1. Www.drweb.com
  2. Http://www.drweb.com

Our customers

Dr.Web was one of the first anti-viruses in the world! Doctor Web started developing its anti-virus in the first half of the 1990s when the Internet was only developing and had not yet become a global network, and just few companies could afford to access it. Does anyone know what the file server DrWebCom.exe? This person is a verified professional. Doctor Web is a Russian IT-security solutions vendor developing Dr.Web anti-virus for businesses and personal use, as well as anti-virus as a service since 1992. Important Information. Andrew Weil, M.D., provides health and wellness information, shares advice and recipes, and answers questions on the principles of integrative medicine.

No branch of the economy could function flawlessly without a means of protecting its information from virus-related computer incidents (VCIs) — i.e., without an anti-virus.

Since 1992, Dr.Web has been meeting the fundamental need of any business — to keep its digital assets protected. It helps companies operate in a secure digital environment.


The fact that our satisfied Dr.Web users and customers come from all sectors of the economy and are spread all over the world is clear evidence of the high degree of trust placed in Doctor Web products.

News about deployments|Success stories

The Russian government trusts Dr.Web


The largest government agencies, ministries, departments, and local community boards throughout Russia entrust their security to Dr.Web.

Governmental institutions|Ministries and departments

Real economy sector enterprises have chosen Dr.Web

Leading enterprises are entrusting the protection of their information to Dr.Web. Sometimes just one such enterprise has thousands of workstations and a complex network topography. Dr.Web provides not only robust protection for all the network elements but also centralised anti-virus network management. The security of ordinary people depends greatly on the stable and secure operation of the IT infrastructure of large enterprises.


Financial sector


For a bank that handles billions in customer assets, the continuity of its business processes and the security of its digital assets are paramount. In turn, when choosing an anti-virus, financial institutions consider the following to be the most important criteria: the product’s accuracy, efficiency, and—most important—its safety. While ensuring the protection of financial institutions, Dr.Web not only strengthens their reputation but also contributes to their success.


Financial institutions|Insurance companies

Representatives of the tertiary economic sector are protected by Dr.Web

A safe computer network, access to a virus-free Internet, and information systems free of unexpected operational failures—is one of the most important needs in the healthcare sector and other tertiary sectors whose work is becoming increasingly dependent on computer technologies. Dr.Web's modest contribution involves ensuring that a slip to see a doctor gets issued or an entire class gets access to an online academic competition.



Culture|Healthcare institutions|Educational institutions|Scientific institutions|Trade industry|Mass media