Create a New Account. Come join the DocsInk community! Let's set up your account. Starting Price: $6.00/month. Best For: Used in hospitals, clinics, surgical facilities and primary care physicians, DocsInk serves anyone in need of a complete messaging and vide conferencing solution for their healthcare organization.
You are on the Team Builder screen where you will add your Providers and Staff users
In the top right corner select Add User
There are two User types - Staff and Provider - These tabs are at the top of the popup screen when you click ‘Add User’
If you are adding a staff member that needs to have administrator privileges check the box at the bottom of the Staff Member screen next to Make administrator (Reminder: A Provider user cannot be an administrator user)
Once you have added this user they will receive an email to set their password like shown below:
Their username is their email address and password requirements are shown below
Once their password is set they are also given the option to download our DocsInk Native App! We recommend this to all of our users for a more user friendly version of our software or they can select the blue Dashboard button to continue them to the browser screen
Once the Desktop Application has been installed the icon is displayed as shown below:
Whether they continue here from the downloaded Desktop app or the Dashboard button they will be taken to the main Messenger screen shown below
Website view:
Desktop App view:
DocsInk is built off of a communication platform. Our Secure Messenger has a ton of features available - direct messages, groups, video calls, tasks and more! Click here to learn more about our Secure Messenger.